Track and Trace

Energy Track & Trace (ETT) is an ambitious cooperation around infrastructure for tracking and tracing the origins of sustainable energy from production to consumption.

Our vision

We are driving 24/7 Carbon Free Energy transnational in Europe.

Granular Certificates

Based on the current standard for green electricity, the Guarantees of Origin (GOs), we at Energy Track & Trace (ETT) are developing a system with granular certificates (GCs) to enables hourly tracking instead of annualy tracking.

TSO driven initiative

Energy Track & Trace (ETT) is a joint initiative of European Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Issuing Bodies (IBs). Together we see the need for granular certificates and are working together to implement them.

Back to physics

Energy Track & Trace (ETT) takes into account the physical realities in the electricity grid regarding transportation and storages. So we support creating investments in renewable energy systems, storage and flexibility.


This is how Energy Track & Trace (ETT) contributes to the success of the energy transition

Better integration of renewables

Incentives for storage investments

More transparency on sustainability

Anticipating the EU regulation

Find out more on how granular certificates work and how the energy system will benefit

Find out more on how granular certificates work and how the energy system will benefit

Who is ETT

Find out more about us

International TSO and Issuing Body set-up to provide the tracking system

Purpose: Development of a granular tracking solution for 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy (CFE) that is applicable on European scale and includes cross-border exchange.

And a strong group of partners

  • Energy Suppliers that provide clean energy and want to offer 24/7 CFE products.

  • Energy Buyers that develop and execute 24/7 CFE procurement strategies.

  • Service providers that offer market solutions, management systems and matching algorithms for Granular Certificates (GCs).


We are driving 24/7 Carbon Free Energy transnational in Europe.

We want to enable fully carbon-neutral processes and products and support the ambitious decarbonization efforts of consumers – by providing a transparent and widely accepted system, tailored to their needs.

Mette Have Larsen-Ledet, Energinet (Denmark)

The aim of the Energy Track & Trace initiative is to bring together the physical and digital processes because an integrated energy system requires smart solutions.

Kadri-Liis Rehtla, Elering (Estonia)

We have founded Energy Track & Trace to harmonize our solution and in order to scale it on a European level, to make this project available to any European consumer.

Malte Scharf, 50Hertz (Germany)


All news about ETT can be found here

Join us

We need your support for our vision towards granular certificates.

As TSO or Issuing Body

We want to spread ETT and granular certificates throughout Europe. Are you interested in joining us? Great, we look forward to welcoming you to our community!

As producer, consumer or supplier

Granular certificates need users. As a pioneer, you already have the opportunity to test our systems with us today. Come and exchange ideas with us!

For all interested parties

Have you become interested? We report transparently about our work. All stakeholders are welcome at our regular partner meetings (online). Come along too!